
Alignment: Lawful Neutral   Divine Domains: Death, Grave, Life   Divine Authority: Death, Order, Life, Afterlife, Resurrections   The God of Death and the Afterlife, Osiris, is the god who watches over the realm of the dead. He is the one who determines the afterlives of the soul after they die, making sure that no one messes with the cycle of life without his approval. A fair god who judges each soul to ensure they go to where they belong. He controls resurrections and revivals of those who die and try to return from his realm.   During the Golden Age, Osiris could easily walk among the mortal plane and judge his realm's souls as technology advanced. Thus, he could enjoy what little time he usually had walking the mortal plane, enjoying the life that blossomed and seeing the souls that resurrected that he knew of who passed through his realm.   During the Dark Age, Osiris became overburdened by the death and abuse of magic that brought others back to life. Osiris had started instructing his followers not to get involved in one side or the other. He supported those who stayed out of it by ordering his followers to follow his teachings alongside the militant side of his followers to slay those who return others to life regardless of which side they stand on that do so without his permission. Eventually, though, he was forced to create the beings known as Horus and Anubis to assist him in the task during the peak of the Dark Age, which helped stabilize things a bit. However, even with the assistance of the Dullahans that Crom Duhn created to help make sure the dead's souls got to Anubis and then to Osiris, some still were able to steal the souls or fight the Dullahans, and this infuriated Osiris that even still some dare to interfere with his work and even still to do so now.   It was said that for the first time, Osiris became angered and, through his rage and anger, created beings that would hunt down those who attempted such things and attack those who would assist in his work. These beings were made of the blackest of robes. They wielded a myriad of weapons and are said to be crafted from the realm of the dead themselves and given the souls of those whom Anubis, Osiris, and Horus even have caught doing such and bound to serve Osiris for their transgressions. These beings appeared in great numbers during the Dark Ages and began their bloody work, killing such transgressors and ensuring that what the mortals and Dullahan could not handle faced them. These dark-robed beings were all different and, with some wielding armor and weapons of their former selves, were found to be unaffected by regular blades and able to get through any armor and protection with ease, seemingly able to strike at the very soul of the creature itself and ripping them from their targets and having them disappear under their robes never to be seen again. These beings became known as the Osirian Reapers due to the destruction and furious drive they would use to reach their target.   When the Divine Barrier was raised, it eased much of the strain on Osiris and his followers as the war ended, and they could now do their work again with much less interference. As such, the followers of Osiris continue the duties that they have served as always, with a heavy military arm now to prevent the undead that rise in the wake of the war from harming their settlements and making a mockery of their work to serve Osiris and a mockery of the life they serve.   Holy Day: The Holy Day of Osiris is on the first day of the new year to celebrate the circle of life by dedicating this day to Osiris to represent the cycle he watches over. This is called the Day of New Beginings. On this day, followers of Osiris, Anubis, and Horus will offer their services to those who need them for free and pay special care to prepare those who have died to prepare them to pass into the care of Anubis and be judged by Osiris.   Apart from this the followers of Anubis and Horus the more militant arms of them will take part in hunts to cleanse the undead of their local region as to rid the mockery of death and life and to protect their settlements more on the holy day giving their all to purge some of the undead threat.   Commandments of Osiris
  • Death is the natural end; do not disturb the natural balance.
  • Undeath disturbs the cycle of life and death. Kill those that pervert it, but remember you are not the judge of their souls.
  • Respect the Fallen and prepare the death to pass into my judgment.

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