
It is said that before the start of the Dark Age, Ares drew his feelings of Fear, Panic, terror, and dread and cut them out of his soul so that he could be a fearless warrior. Little did he know that these parts of him would eventually be merged into two beings of Panic and Fear.   These beings would eventually be given names by those who encountered them initially, soldiers during the Dark Age fighting in the God War as they confronted them. The first would be named Phobos, the name of panic given form.   They say that those who encountered Phobos were overwhelmed with panic, making them want to flee and run as far away from him as possible. The accounts that survived the conflict made it clear that this human-looking personification of panic was also a ferocious fighter but delighted in the panic it caused, almost seemingly feeding on the terror it gave to those considered brave enough to fight. Eventually, it seems it turned its attention along with its "sibling" to those who chose to remain neutral and stay out of the fight and found that sowing its panic among these souls was the best. It is said that an attack by both of the "siblings" was the cause of several horrific scenes in the Dark Age.   With the erection of the Divine Barrier, it is believed that These terrors were pushed off the Material plan; however, even now, there are occasional scenes of horrific designs found around the world and scenes of mass panic, leading some to wonder if it was the work of this being.


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