Arshan Standard Time


Written by Sierra Brown.
Artwork by Sierra Brown.


The standard universal calendar used by the Arshanov Federation.


Initiated by vote shortly after the formation of the Arshanov Federation, this calendar is based upon the timescale of the planet Navos, which has roughly 29 hours in a day following the standard seconds/minutes/hours timescale. Due to the shortened orbit of Navos compared to Earth, the Arshan calendar has eight months, each at 38 days in length. An Arshan year lasts approximately 304 Arshan days


Prior to the creation of Arshan Standard Time, the colonists of Navos and Newearth struggled to find a balance between the traditional AD timekeeping they knew, and the orbital seasons and rotations of their respective planets.



Arshan years last 304 Arshan days (367 24-hour days following traditional timekeeping), with a leap year to extend the calendar by two days, every five years. Each year has 8 months, each equaling 38 days in length, with the exception of November, which has 40 days during leap years.


As a calendar intended for universal use by a space-faring nation, seasons do not exist in Arshan Standard Time. Instead, seasons are tracked on a per planet basis.



Month names are copied over from the traditional Gregorian calendar, with four of the months removed (March, June, September, December). This allows an Arshan year to be evenly divided among eight months with 38 days each, for a more consistent calendar. During leap years, the last month of the year (November) has 40 days. The eight months are as follows:

  1. January
  2. February
  3. April
  4. May
  5. July
  6. August
  7. October
  8. November


Weeks in AST follow the standard 7-day format, with the same days as the Gregorian calendar. This kept day-to-day tracking of time more familiar for UASF citizens as they adapted to the new calendar.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  1. Calendar
    1. Years
    2. Months
    3. Weeks
Year Length
304 days (8 months)
Leap Years
+2 days every 5 years
Month Length
38 days
Week Length
7 days
Day Length
29 hours
Time Measurements
Same as Modern Day Earth

Cover image: Sairis Helosi Portrait, Galaxies End Logo, & Arshan Emblem by NovaCandy & Sierra Brown


Author's Notes

The template for this article was inspired by the timekeeping article in Amevello Blue's Kollark, found here.

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