Side Quest: The Sprax Shuffle Plot in Galaxy | World Anvil
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Side Quest: The Sprax Shuffle



Morrad is contracted to haul explicit cargo from the spaceport of Coronet city to an unassuming corner within the Blue Sector, he finds himself accompanied by an unexpected floppy-eared passenger who is part of a larger game at hand

Rising Action

After an initial botched delivery of firearms at the spaceport, Morrad punches out of a firefight between a mysterious ship named the "Stormstrider" and an imperial garrison which oversaw the shipping port. During this chaos, a Duro by the name of Chadwick escapes the clutches of the Stormstrider. Bengiee contacts Sprax to sell back weapons at a large undercut.


A secondary drop off point is given to the crew of the Scalded Mynock where some members of Sprax's gang looks to purhces the remaining four crates of weapons on the ship which also includes 20 disruptor pistols. Upon arrival, deckhand Mo Boderick departs from the vessel and scouts out the drop point from afar. Morrad and his crew arrive shortly after and are unloading the shipment when a patrol of stormtroopers spot the ongoing deal and attempt to halt it in its tracks. The crew acts quickly and tosses what crates remain within the cargo hold of the ship, spilling out onto the landing pad and lift off quickly before the imperials are able to react, leaving behind a scattering of illicit weapons and Mo Boderick to his fate.

Falling Action

A squadron of tie-interceptors on a routine patrol intercept the ship which was reported speeding away from the scene. As the ship is grounded, Bengiee devise a plan to distract the two riot-troopers before they are able to search the ship at the cost of his fur and his dignity.


The crew escape without incident with the imperials, but Bengiee is forever changed after having to recover in a Bacta tank after sustaining burns all over his body.



PC's questioned the motives of Sprax and who he was working for or even if the whole thing was a set up for the imperials to capture the crew



Morrad Bengiee


Mo Boderick


Imperial Patrol


Sprax's Gang
Completion Date
17th of Helona, 2 A.B.Y.
Plot type
Related Organizations
Related Locations


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