

Few vistas on Gahla are more captivating than the rays of dawn dancing on the Whitesea, that boundless sheet of fluffy white clouds that stretches across the horizon of Midgahl. Rolling plains of cotton cushion the reefcrusts of Panazurian ayrlands as they bob up and down in the currents. Waves of mist crash against the coasts, and wash the forests with a fresh coat of glittering dew.     Aquamarine pillars of effervescent brillemist billow upwards with the morning's light along the lumestreams - regions of the ocean rich with microscopic life that feeds on aetherfalls. The glowing clouds that rise up to the Whitesea are the lifeblood of ayrland ecosystems, nourishing not only the reefcrust's coral-dwelling denizens, but the plants and animals on the spann as well. The Whitesea is deep enough to be its own separate ecosystem, with an array of wildlife just as diverse as the saltsea. It takes ayrships several minutes of descent to submerge all the way through it.     In most places, the Whitesea completely obstructs one's view of the aethersphere and the saltsea below. Gahla's frequent volcanic activity keeps the saltsea's temperature teetering just below boiling, so wherever the Whitesea thins, and makes way for the rays to reach the ocean directly, mist is quick to rise back up and patch the gap. Thus, even though ayrships and ayrlands cut wakes in the clouds as they travel, they can still be quite difficult to track on sunny days.     Far to the north, the Whitesea rises up into tall white cumulus ramparts, obscuring the Kalyptian Jungle behind a curtain of fog.

Cover image: by Ivan Aviazovsky (PD)