Ahlyssa Asanthi

Ahlyssa Asanthi, Half Elven Woman, Devout to IotCE to a fault, only imprisoned because she killed a worshipper on the path of the acolyte. Hails from Turin, believes in The Hunger. Scar beneath left eye. light crescent in shape. Black greasy hair, left eye is milky white.   -99 - 0   Ahlyssa Asanthi is an intriguing individual, a woman of mixed heritage and an air of mystery that surrounds her. Her features reflect a blend of elven elegance and gaulan grace, creating a unique beauty that catches the eye. Her lustrous, black hair cascades in waves around her shoulders, framing a face adorned with delicate elven-like features.   Ahlyssa's almond-shaped eyes are a captivating sight. One eye, a vibrant shade of emerald green, sparkles with intelligence and curiosity, while the other bears a milky-white hue, a mark that sets her apart from others. This striking contrast in her eyes hints at a deeper connection to the arcane forces that she embraces.   Clad in attire that reflects her dedication to the Institute of the Clandestine Eye, Ahlyssa exudes an aura of mystique and purpose. Her garments, adorned with intricate patterns and symbols, speak of her allegiance to the ancient order she reveres. Yet, beneath her enigmatic exterior lies a passionate soul, driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to unravel the secrets of The Hunger, an ancient power that has captured her imagination.
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