
Alireza is the foreman of Khito’s mines, an old and weathered Caluan man whose life has been defined by the unforgiving toil beneath the earth. His skin, deeply tanned and creased with age, tells the story of countless years spent overseeing the extraction of ore from the rich veins that run beneath the desert sands. Alireza is a man of few words, preferring to let his actions speak for him. He commands respect through his unwavering work ethic and his deep understanding of the land. The miners look to him for guidance, trusting his judgment implicitly. Though he is well past the age where most would retire, Alireza continues to work tirelessly, driven by a sense of duty to his people and his city. The discovery of the World Root has added a new layer of complexity to his work, but Alireza remains unshaken, his focus always on ensuring that the mines, and the men who work them, continue to thrive.
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