Antoine Quickmark
High Guard sharpshooter.
Currently living in Skygarde.
Childhood friends with Zane Feerskar.
Antione was the only one that who Zane told that Zane was dying from the Fogholt Plague. Both 12 at the time.
When Zane and Antoine were attacked by a hungry vampire, the dying boy told his friend to run.
Antoine watched as his best friend got turned by the vampire.
Antoine found a bow and a sharpened wooded stake and shot the monster, he struck it right in the heart. The bow belonged to the Spawnhunters.
Amazingly, Zane's body was purged of the Fogholt Plague once he became a vampire.
Antione was one of the few that did not disown the boy. Even Zane's parents left him.
Both lived in Wildehail at this time. It's where they were born.
Zane moved in with the Quickmark's. 4 years later, Antoine's parents both died in the line of duty with the Wild Men.
Antoine's father had arrangements for Antoine to leave for Skygarde so he could begin training with the High Guard.
Zane would not be allowed into the High Guard but he still left with Antoine because he had no one left in Wildehail.
Current Location
Year of Birth
175 AHM
37 Years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations