Arnulf Bilberry

Halfling in charge of the gang den in the Fisher Wharf
  With a curious glint in his eye, Arnulf Bilberry is not your typical halfling. Standing at just over three feet tall, his stout frame belies a nimbleness that has served him well in the cutthroat world of gang politics. His graying hair is always slicked back, revealing a large scar that crosses his right eyebrow, a testament to battles fought. He dresses impeccably, usually in dark vests and polished shoes. Jovial in appearance, those in the know understand that beneath his hearty chuckles lie a hint of loneliness. As the worker behind the Halfstack gang's operations in the Fisher Wharf, Arnulf is appreciated for holding down the safe house. His latest endeavor, a tunnel leading straight to the Senator's restaurant, was a request that came straight from the top.
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