
Bali is a daijin merchant from the swampland of Vargen. With sharp business acumen and an eye for opportunity, he has journeyed to Skygarde to trade goods and expand his wealth. Bali stands tall and broad-shouldered, his long black hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail. His skin is a deep bronze, darkened by long days spent traveling under the sun. Bali is a charismatic individual with a ready smile and a clever wit. He is always on the lookout for new opportunities to make a profit, and is not afraid to take risks to achieve his goals. However, his cunning and willingness to bend the rules have sometimes put him at odds with the High Guard, but Bali has always found a way to avoid trouble and keep his business thriving.   Travels from Rymersut to Skygarde, while on his route he meets with his ogre connections to pick up anything they would like to trade, with a proper commission, of course.
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