These mischievous goblins have a unique look, with brown fur on their green skin and large black eyes. They're known for their bat-like ears and their winged arms, which allow them to fly from place to place. They're also known for their love of shiny objects, and they'll often steal gold and other valuables from unsuspecting travelers. They're quick and nimble, and they're not afraid to attack in groups to get what they want.
In towering bamboo abodes, batgoblins rest by day and venture out at night. These nocturnal beings savor fruits and insects, living under the watchful eyes of Eidon's hidden tribe.
speak common and foultongue
consider themselves vegetarians, hence fruit bats.
like to eat gnomes
consider gnomes in the same food group as radish and onions
make ticking noises to communicate from a distance
celebrate birthdays
have an innate fear of crocodiles
not very magic adept
not very intelligent
also very fearful of wolves.
Encompassed species