Beast of Dhamthurin

You track Xarus into the dark woods to find him injured in a cave, barely holding onto life, he has a puncture wound the size of a beer stein in his thigh and has cauterized the wound.   You hear the disgruntled snort of the black mass, a boar with blade-like tucks, covered in a toxic mucus-like substance. This is the Beast of Dhamthurin.   Anvil and the beast fight for many hours with neither ending the other.   A particularly arid part of the dead forest leads Anvil to hop between craggy mounds, avoiding the spears of tusks from the Black Beast of Dhamthurin.   Morning was cresting over the dead trees and Anvil was out of energy and ideas. The hide of this beast was too much to kill it and she had much left to do in this life. The beast charged at her and struck her as she held up her shield. The shield shattered as the tusk pierced through her defences, like scissors through cotton, the tusk tore through muscle and ligaments. The battled beast’s tusk broke free as its footing was lost, the ground beneath the arid forest was forming a sinkhole. Anvil stood up in pain to see the beast fall backwards intos a large pit created by this battle. The beast did not tire and got on its feet.   It began to ram the loose ground around it and Anvil could feel the dead ground beneath her start to buckle. If this beast could cave in this section, it would have enough of a mound to climb out of its self imposed prison. Anvil vowed to return but was too wounded to end this batte, as was the beast of Dhamthurin.   The Beast of Dhamthurin is a wild and fearsome creature that roams the Mooncrest Woods in Galfin. It is a large black boar that stands over 20 feet tall, with matted hair from years of running through the dense forest. The beast is missing the tip of one of its tusks, a testament to the long and violent battles it has fought in the past. Arrows are broken off from failed attempts by hunters to take down the beast, whose primal power and instincts drive it to roam the forest in search of prey. The Beast of Dhamthurin is a creature of myth and legend, feared and respected by those who live in the surrounding region. Its size, strength, and history of violence make it a formidable and dangerous presence in the Mooncrest Woods, one that is not to be underestimated.
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