
loves to play the violin   hates elves   his wife was recently killed by the Shipwreck Strangler   sells his sister-in-law's enchanted items   Met a weapons shop owner who is racist towards elves. Blimbo.   Blimbo plays the violin in secret, will finish Henri's blunderbuss by the next morning.   Also in the church was an orc warden named Gorbashav. He eyed up the two outsiders Triss and Sossari. He had a white spider-web tattoo over his left eye. Blimbo was in the church as well, he lied about going to his brothers house in Dias.   Blimbo is the number one suspect in his wife's slaying.   Went to his house, Blimbo's wife was killed in the soundproof room where Blimbo played his violin. The killer kicked the door open from the inside. The shoe print was fairly small, seemingly much smaller than Blimbo's. Out back you find a shimmy from a thieves kit hiding in the grass.     You arrive on Eidon You are greeted by Mako in front of some stone walls being built in the center of Diggory's village. around you see mudguards and native batgoblins that lost their home when thormund burned it. they were building the structure in front of you. this was being built as a staging point for the war but with peace now here Max has no more use of it. Mako handed each of you 3000 gp within sacks, this is the reward Maximus promised you for assisting in the peace brought to Pacura. Mako tells you that the Eidon Stronghold is now yours to do with as you wish. your crew as well as anyone you recruit for your settlement will live and work here. They will assists you on a ravens notice if you are far away. you can build better walls, new shops with discounts to you, you can store items here, customize your rooms, raise taxes, build fleets or capture enemies. Everything you may want can be purchased with your rewards. I'm going to go build a shrine in the area you designate the graveyard, I never found my mother's body after the tsunami but I hope i can honor her hear on my new home. a few patrons have already taken up camp here as they think of you as good people. Bedlam and Sossari begin talking to the batgoblins, bedlam introducing herself to each one and sossari asking who knew snerz. You talk to nug who knows nothing and then suds who mentions merz still lives in the blindbat jungle. Then meet zom who left snerz to die in the forest, zom then tried to steal snerz girlfriend razzi only to be shot down. In anger zom sold her off to slavers, the leader with the last name of ahuud.   Triss tries to make Joseph apologize to blimbo but the wound is still fresh, blimbonis unable to disenchant athos axe as it was his sister in law who made that magic. He has no weapons yet and is just getting set up. He gets angry at the elves so triss casts charm person to calm him. They all leave and then Joseph sneaks back in.   Blimbo has moved to your island now that his wife was buried, he couldn't go back to that shop. He plays his violin in the town square every other Incagur (monday) of each month, weather permitting. He runs a blacksmith shop where he provides discounts.   Joseph handed some smithy tools to zom to end the session.   murdered in his shop with smithing tools. racist towards elves   Arygos goes to Blimbo's shop to find he is missing as well as some of his tools. He then finds his body recently buried in the memorial garden Bedlam hires Wal'Du to begin work on an establishment.   Hey both head to the infirmary to check Blimbo's body. Triss spends the day working on the main parts homes. Replacing the shantys with actual homes.     Grek also tells sossari he trusts blimbo the blacksmith so she heads over there, running into arygos and Joseph bickering over the dead body. Bedlam wanders over as well as she leaves the plans in the hand of the bone ogre bartender. They begin arguing about what to do when Grek comes in to get then to sign off a new business permit. Zom the goblin wants to use his new tools to open a smithy.
Current Location
Year of Death
211 AHM
Circumstances of Death
Murdered in his own shop with his own smithing tools
Place of Death
Ruled Locations