Chieftain Ug-Col’Ek


A born leader, even though no gaul would ever follow his lead. Ug-Col'Ek was a historian as well as a warrior, he collected old books and ancient weapons. His family brawled and hunted, which was the standard for ogre adolescents. Ug-Col'Ek was not weak, he was the spitting image of his race. After their last leader grew too old, Ug-Col'Ek was offered to lead his tribe, he gratefully accepted. This was a new era for the blade ogres, Ug-Col'Ek used logic, strategy and knowledge to run the tribe instead of brute force, tyranny and murder. Some saw his ways as a sign of a peaceful future, others found it slanderous to their once great tribe. Unfortunately the few that saw the latter were the elders. The council turned on Ug-Col'Ek and overthrew him. A ceremony was needed to pick a new leader. The former alpha of the group needed to be sacrificed for Foulrot to choose a new leader. As a blatent sign of disrespect, the elders decided that the Ug-Col'Ek's vast collection of historical artifacts would also be put to flame. As he felt his entire history scorch the bottom of his feet, Ug-Col'Ek saw an ogre's face materialize in the smoke. Suddenly the rope holding him onto the post broke, releasing the once great leader into the inferno. After many minutes had passed, the crowd fell into silence for their fallen hero. As the eyes of his loyal followers filled with tears and terror. Ug-Col'Ek emerged from the blaze, carrying only his charred warsaw. As the elders who mutinied against him begged on their knees for their lives, the one true leader of the blade ogres decapitated the decrepit elders. As he stood there motionless the audience didn't make a noise. Ug-Col'Ek raised his warsaw high in the air, the crowd erupted into cheers and hollers.   common foultongue 36 leader of ogre 4E, 171 tactitian charismatic, angry, territorial weapon master warsaw blood crazed prejudice excessive Imposing build, scars on body, green skin, purple hair, yellow eyes. 4E 196 Ug-Col'Ek becomes leader of the Blade Ogres   severely wounded by the Conduit. Died trying to take the Mir'Dhat acropolis from AurUn Gullblud. The Shatterbrand killed him and his generals while trying to stop either army from joining up with the Cult of Vlox.   the chieftain   A gruff ogre with dark olive skin. He leads his fellow blades through their respect for his history. He wears enough scars to show both his prowess and age. Adorned in a yellow, ragged shirt and a wine stained cape. Ug-Col'Ek is known for his strategic mind that only just passes his ferocity in battle. He wields a patu club with kinalite shards attached into the club to channel his arcane lightning.   His chest and face are scarred and glowing slightly from a previous battle. These scars are ugly to the look but draw loyalty from his followers because they know of it's history. Ug-Col'Ek is known for both his fierce dedication to his race and his terror in genocidal acts, making him a very contentious historical figure.
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
171 AHM 211 AHM 40 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark green
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations