Circle of Frogkin Druids

Run a tight ship in Glintmaw, worship a bear named Bin-Go from the mortal world.
  The Circle of Frogkin Druids is a small but powerful faction of druids who make their home in the swamps and marshes of Glas'Talag. They are deeply connected to the natural world and are known to be some of the most powerful and knowledgeable druids in the region.
  Led by Zapar, the Circle of Frogkin Druids is unique in their worship of Bin-Go, the ancient bear deity. They believe that Bin-Go is the embodiment of nature itself and that by serving him, they can maintain the balance of the natural world. They frequently conduct rituals and ceremonies to honor Bin-Go and to ask for his guidance in matters both big and small.
  In addition to their religious practices, the Circle of Frogkin Druids are also known for their expertise in translating the ancient texts of the frogkin as well as the will of Bin-Go. They are the only ones who can read and understand the ancient language, which gives them a unique advantage in dealing with the frogkin and in uncovering the secrets of the past.
  The Circle of Frogkin Druids are highly respected by the other factions in Glas'Talag. They are seen as wise and knowledgeable, and their advice is often sought out in matters related to the natural world.
Controlled Territories