Clyde Greenthumb

gardener for the Shandur manor in Raven's Crest
  Clyde Greenthumb is a diligent gardener entrusted with tending to the lush grounds of the Shandur manor in Raven's Crest. Hailing from a humble forest gnome background, Clyde sought out new opportunities and found himself drawn to the bustling town of Raven's Crest. With his deep connection to nature and innate talent for nurturing plants, he quickly established himself as an invaluable member of the Shandur household. Clyde's nimble fingers have a gentle touch, coaxing vibrant blooms and meticulously shaping the shrubbery that surrounds the manor. His deep understanding of plants and their needs allows him to create a harmonious and serene atmosphere within the estate's gardens. Clyde possesses a boundless enthusiasm for his craft, often sharing his vast knowledge of botany with anyone who shows an interest.
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