Coastal Stormbird

The storm bird is a large, powerful bird with dark feathers and a wingspan of up to 8 feet. It is known for its endurance and ability to fly through rough weather, including thunderstorms and hurricanes. It is a skilled hunter and feeds on fish, which it catches by diving into the water from great heights. The storm bird is often seen along the coast, but it can also be found inland near large bodies of water. It is respected by many for its strength and resilience, and it is considered a symbol of good luck in some cultures.
  The storm bird flies into thunderstorms high in the air, stores the electricity in its feathers and then drops incredibly fast into the water below. The stored static charge is released as the storm bird hits the water. This surge of electricity kills any fish nearby and the storm bird quickly swims to catch the dead fish. It then rises from the water to continue flying.
  The storm bird is a giant gannet seabird.