
31 Average height, light brown fur. Wounded at the Battle of Dresdon   Healer for the Ferris Tribe   Mostly resides in Greywyn     Start in Greywyn. Go to rest until the afternoon after discussing the battle plan. Arygos asks Aero about lycanthropy. Told to speak to Crea. The party rests but Bedlam decides to try and steal the cursed axe. Awaken to the axe being stolen and the village missing. Arygos begins raging as bedlam runs away. After all characters leave the circle, an unwitting Woxbood strolls into the village. Arygos slays the bramble dwarf with his greatsword. An argument happens where Arygos is livid about the axe. A lindwurm is attacking the village and controlled by a corrupted synapsid brand. Bedlam lodges the axe into the beast and arygos wrestles it to get his possession back. They fight and defeat the lindwurm. Sossari contracts lindwurm fever. Realize the Cross brothers are missing. Arygos confirms he will go feral in 3 nights.     You also see Aero storming the castle with the help of more werewolves. Aero takes out the rest of the grunt Kingfishers with the help of Bedlam and the Cross brothers. Aero set out a call in the night of the full two moons and the wolves expended their energy to rally to their Alpha. 6 days of travel and they made it here without a fae crossing. The Cross brothers escaped when Addikus betrayed the team. Rayne wants to reestablish the Cardinalhood but without the corruption Barren Blackcherry brought with him. Rayne seeks to invite Aero and his hunters to help him bring order back to the Mooncrest. He will help rebuild Greywyn and also wants to be officially affiliated with the Shatterbrand. Triss mentions they should rebrand from Blackcherry's team name. Grai is a man without a home, he still seeks to fight even after his military record was forcibly ended years ago. Grai offers his sword to help lead the mercenaries of Eidon. It is revealed that the Red Heron Christopher Knackle, the Mockingbird Addikus Windslayer and the Bloodhawk Maven Grimbind all escaped when the Fenris Tribe and black dragon stormed the castle. The trio was saved when Maven revealed herself to be a succubus and flew off with the leaders. They were aiming towards the Vargen Swamplands province. Rayne fears that they are regrouping with their leader with the Capitol of Skygarde in their sights. The throne sits empty and all of Galfin now knows this. Grai points out that he noticed Addikus had fang marks on his neck. He reveals it has been 6 days since you were incarcerated. Aero was able to stop a transport wagon before the other kingfishers could escape. Triss tasks Grai with searching the Eidon library for any hints on how to kill a succubus. Triss and Bedlam decide to try and speak to the dragon sitting atop the melted Hedgespire. Triss repeats some synapsi she has heard but the dragon does not respond. Bedlam unknowingly speaks its language as the ridges on her horn glow bright white. She can communicate with the dragon who reveals his name to be Blazareth. It understands the Synapsi language. It will thank them for saving it by acknowledging their presence. He mentions how the Kingfishers are just a human reaction to the problem. The dragons were awoken to counteract something much more pressing. He is unaware of why but knows that dragons are immortal beings of chaos, they would only be used to balance an extreme shift in power and oppression. He is hesitant to say the reason for the reawakening is to fight the humans as they came into power because of the reawakening, the kingfishers did not cause it. Alas he no longer can hear Synapsid's murmurs within his mind. He can still sense remnants of the dragon god with the world as order and chaos rock the scales. He slightly gestures towards bedlam's horns. He informs you that he will fly north to the Firefang jags where the last dragon was slaughtered. It was a dragon safe haven and he hopes to rally his kind there. At this point the world knows that the High King and his son were killed by dragons, this takes a more sinister turn when you realize that Addikus was the last person to see them alive and he commanded with the faction who could enrage dragons.   Working with locals to rebuild the Hedgespire for the new patrons of the Shatterbrand.   Still returns to Cielrin using the fae circles of the mooncrest to see her husband Aero.
Current Location
Year of Birth
180 AHM 32 Years old
Current Residence
light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization