Cresteer Shareen

Cresteer Shareen (a.k.a. The Breeze)

Shareen is the Cresteer of the Thieves Syndicate in Khito, a role she navigates with a light-hearted, almost playful approach that belies the seriousness of her work. Her infectious laugh and easygoing manner make her a popular figure in the city, especially among travelers and merchants who seek her services. Shareen has coined the term "Sandicate" for her branch of the Syndicate, a name that irritates the more traditional members of the guild but endears her even more to the people she serves. She facilitates the trade of fenced goods with a deft hand, offering protection and a safe haven from the dangers of the desert. Despite the nature of her business, Shareen carries no malice; instead, she views her work as a necessary service, a way to keep the wheels of commerce turning in Khito. Her charisma and cunning have earned her respect and loyalty, even from those who would normally look down on her profession.
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