Darbir Knokk

Tarkan second in command under Yemonos, roma senator
  Darbir Knokk is a formidable figure, known as the second in command of the Tarkan military unit in Silvermound. Raised within the ranks of the Tarkan, he has honed his combat skills and strategic acumen to perfection.
  Appointed to the bronze senator seat by the affluent residents of Roma, Darbir is tasked with safeguarding their interests within the senate. With his unwavering dedication to the protection and prosperity of the district, he leverages his influence and connections to ensure the voices of the wealthy elite are heard and respected.
  Clad in impeccable armor and exuding an air of authority, Darbir's commanding presence and discipline inspire both respect and fear. He navigates the political landscape with shrewdness and precision, employing his military background to advocate for the Roma district and uphold its privileged position within Silvermound.
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