
Dohva, the green-scaled Ogre Draken, is a gentle giant amidst the harshness of Khito. His pronounced snout and acidic breath are fearsome to behold, yet beneath this intimidating exterior lies a tender soul. As the city’s groundskeeper, Dohva takes immense pride in his work, ensuring that Khito’s streets and gardens remain lush and thriving despite the desert’s relentless conditions. His passion for sunflowers, which he carefully transplants every winter, is well-known among the locals, who often find him humming softly as he tends to his beloved plants. Dohva is a creature of habit, spending his evenings drinking moonshine and reminiscing about simpler times. Though life has not always been kind to him, Dohva finds solace in the small pleasures—his sunflowers, his moonshine, and the rare but cherished moments of peace in the city of Khito.
  Ogre draken, green scale and pronounced snout. Breathes fire. Groundskeeper in khito. Likes to drink moonshine and tend to his sunflowers that he transplants in the winter
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