
Eranthea lived in Speaker's Square of Silvermound in the beginning of the 4th era, her father passed these stories down from his home of Wildehail where the Nymbus Orden spun these stories of Shoreez and the plane of air.   Here is a passage from "Cloud Pearl", a book by the poet Eranthea, about the plane of Opalyta:   Opalyta, the plane of clouds and mist, where the sky is not the limit, but the very foundation of life. It is the realm of Shoreez, the Goddess of Air, whose airy embrace is felt in every breath we take. Here, the cities are not built upon stone, but upon clouds, held up by the very substance that is the hallmark of this world.   The clouds here are not mere vapor, but living things, capable of movement and change. They form bridges and pathways, creating a maze of winding trails that the people of Opalyta navigate with ease. From the sky-borne cities, the people of this world look down upon the world below, watching as the winds shift and the clouds swirl in ever-changing patterns.   The cities themselves are a wonder to behold, gleaming white structures that appear to float on the clouds themselves. Bridges and walkways stretch between them, creating a vast web of interconnected buildings that seems to have no beginning or end. It is a place of ethereal beauty, where the play of light and shadow creates a world that is both dazzling and surreal.   It is a world of endless skies and infinite horizons, where the only limit is one's imagination. Here, on Opalyta, the people live in harmony with the clouds and the wind, ever reaching for the heights and dreaming of what lies beyond. And in this world of wonders, the sky is not merely a backdrop, but a living, breathing entity, a source of life and inspiration that touches the very soul of all who dwell there.
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