Ethur Emberguard

Fire elf who works for the Scourge who is trying to team up with Triade. Has a robin hood attitude and is naïve to the fact that his bosses are really just in it for the money. Ethur is tasked to rally the goblins into a strike. He knows they aren't treated well but the real reason he was asked to do this is because the import of fish is of high priority to the Triade.
  Fire elf with purple died hair beginning to grow out, a black sun tattoo on his hands and chest. It represents not the fallen star but the 3 Stars of Silvermound. He was born here. He went into manual labour while his sister works for the Sterling.
  Spent time in the Rails for claiming to have killed Carn Shaw for his worker revolution. Dharan zealots broke out of the jail to have Ethur tail them. He murdered them viciously in the Meadway corridors
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