Filbert Silverstaff

Led the Seekers before Remus
  Uncle of the legendary wizards
  Filbert, a seasoned mage with a greying beard and a twinkle in his hazel eyes, is an important figure in the magical city of Westmoor. He has earned his place as an elder and mentor within the Silverstaff family, having led the Seekers—a prestigious organization dedicated to the containment of dangerous magical artifacts—for many years. Filbert's deep knowledge of ancient spells and his keen eye for detecting hidden enchantments have been instrumental in safeguarding the realm from powerful relics that could wreak havoc if mishandled. Filbert remains a formidable spellcaster, with his magical staff, adorned with intricate runes, serving as an extension of his will. He is a wise and patient mentor, imparting his years of wisdom and experience to the younger generation of Silverstaff mages. Filbert's leadership and dedication have shaped the Seekers into a respected and influential force, and his legacy continues to inspire those who follow in his footsteps.
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