Fire Centipede

​Small insect living in the Firefang Jags.​​Often roasted as a delicacy of the fire elves living in Emberstreak.​​Leaves a burn wherever they bite you. Wound becomes itchy.​​Main prey of the phoera.​ Flame centipedes are another type of small, heat-resistant creature that is found in the Firefang Jags. They are known for their bright red and orange coloring, which gives them a fiery appearance. They are often found resting on the heated rocks by the lava pools, taking advantage of the warmth to warm their bodies. They are a favorite food of Phoeras, who are able to catch them with their sharp beaks and powerful talons. Flame centipedes are known for the burns they leave wherever they bite. Their bites are venomous, causing a painful and itchy wound that can take weeks to heal. The venom is also toxic, and if left untreated, it can lead to serious complications such as infection or even death. Flame centipedes are a formidable and dangerous creature, and they are best avoided if possible. If you do find yourself bitten by a flame centipede, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. The venom can be treated with a series of antivenom injections, which can help to neutralize the effects of the venom and prevent serious complications.