Firmino Gactus

Firmino Gactus

Biological parent of Estevo Gactus
  101 - 206
  banker of Grigue, son left to ward for a lord in Skygarde.
  Firmino Gactus, a prominent banker hailing from the bustling city of Grigue, is a calculated and resourceful member of the ambitious Gactus family. With a keen eye for financial opportunities and a penchant for strategic investments, Firmino has amassed considerable wealth and influence in the realm of banking. His sharp intellect and meticulous attention to detail have made him a trusted advisor and confidant to many esteemed clients. Firmino's dedication to his craft is matched only by his devotion to his family, and he ensures that the Gactus name remains synonymous with success and prosperity. Firmino possesses a charismatic charm that allows him to navigate the intricate web of business relationships with finesse.
Current Location
Year of Birth
9 AHM 203 Years old