Goater’s Guild

local watch and handypeople who assist in anything needed within the town
  They arent very well trained but try to peacefully remove anyone that is causing problems in Tarnford.
  Nestled within the rugged yet serene landscapes of Zephyr Island in the Pacuran archipelago stands the town of Tarnford. While it might seem like any other quaint island town, Tarnford is home to the Goater’s Guild, a dedicated group of town-watch and handymen who are the beating heart of the community.
  Unlike traditional town guards or militia, members of the Goater's Guild are not battle-hardened warriors but rather community-centric individuals who possess a wide array of skills. From settling disputes at the local tavern to mending broken fences or fixing squeaky door hinges, the members of this guild are ever-present, ensuring the town runs smoothly.
  Their light brown leather armor serves a dual purpose: it provides a semblance of protection during their watch duties and acts as a shield against the consistent, chilly Zephyrn breezes. When a stray animal wanders too close to town or an over-zealous traveler causes a ruckus, the Goater's Guild is there, always preferring diplomacy and understanding over confrontation.
  Their emblem, a stoic goat set against the backdrop of a gusty wind, is a representation of their resilience and versatility. In Tarnford, while the winds of Zephyr may be unpredictable, the reliability and dedication of the Goater's Guild are constants that the townsfolk have come to rely upon.
Notable Members