
a passionate gnome who seeks to refine the art of potion making,   Grekplanation   he disagrees with how frivalent wizards are with the craft   works on Gyaron at the Archangel's Landing - Lighthouse Potion Shop   As the Lord Regent of Driord, Grek's presence is both calming and authoritative. His strategic mind and genuine concern for the well-being of the island's inhabitants have earned him the unwavering trust of the people. Under his leadership, the Main Hall is a place of justice, progress, and collaboration.  
Grek is a rock gnome who thinks that the wizards who make potions are too inprecise. He wants his potions to be made with the utmost certainty that no abnormal effects will occur. He set up shop in gyaron because they have some specific herbs he needed on that island. Also the gyaron Wardens like to brawl and this creates steady business for his health potions. After an investment from Sosarri, Grek has opened up 2 additional stores known as the Aasimar's Landing Potion Shop franchise. He hired the Knackle Brothers Shipping Co. to help with his deliveries but after saving the party, Christopher and his brother left. Grek is a logical gnome and a learned businessman. He originates from a poorer town on Teslite, the island province home to halflings and gnomes. While others who were better off financially built steampunk mechs and zeppelins, Grek focused his mind on mastering the science of potion perfection.   Sossori visited the potion master Greck, a rock gnome. He liked his business and wanted to invest, during his searching around he found a shipping container from the Knackle Brothers. Greck was annoyed that his shipments were late, Henri convinced him that the serial killer must have killed them. Sossori invest 1000gp in Grek's business so he could by a boat and hire a crew to keep his business going and to ultimately make it cheaper to not outsource shipping. During this conversation, Henri tells Sossori what happened to Chris and then that leads to Sossori also questioning the dissapearance of Snerz. Henri told her he died at the battle on Milos. They cried together in the middle of the street. Everyone met back up at teh tavern while a pyromancing orc cooked them food. A sombre Blimbo revealed that his wife was murdered shortly after Henri left. The Wardens told him ot find somewhere else to stay while they investigate the crime. He is heading to Diaz to stay with his brother. He hands Henri his Bayonet Launching Blunderbuss as he wanted to finish all his ongoing orders before he left the city.   Remus stands up and burns through the poison. The poison that was seemingly killing him was purged as it was never enough to hold back the magic of such a powerful wizard. Talk about family ties and the only person he loved was Iona's mother. She was acting against him and his interests and for that, even though he did see her as a daughter, she was now more an obstacle. He time held everyone, slowly walked over and stabbed you all when frozen. The searing pain of your necks being slashed was hel in that moment as you began to pass out. Remus took the location of the temple and teleported away from your dying bodies, he tossed the flint letters he had found as his next target was more of interest to him. A single ship neared the shore. You wake up on the ocean on Grek's new shipping boat to realize his two employees are the remaining knackle brothers.   Wake up at the Archangel's Landing. Grek's new business out of a lighthouse on Gyaron. He has hired the Knackle brothers as employees. See Lyna's gravesite where it lists that she was killed by a traitor. Grek says Christopher left to check out a green ship that pulled into the harbour. Assumingly the Gobsnapper Teleport to the outskirts of Gyaron and see the Gobsnapper docked behind the S.S. Tempest.     You arrive on Eidon You are greeted by Mako in front of some stone walls being built in the center of Diggory's village. around you see mudguards and native batgoblins that lost their home when thormund burned it. they were building the structure in front of you. this was being built as a staging point for the war but with peace now here Max has no more use of it. Mako handed each of you 3000 gp within sacks, this is the reward Maximus promised you for assisting in the peace brought to Pacura. Mako tells you that the Eidon Stronghold is now yours to do with as you wish. your crew as well as anyone you recruit for your settlement will live and work here. They will assists you on a ravens notice if you are far away. you can build better walls, new shops with discounts to you, you can store items here, customize your rooms, raise taxes, build fleets or capture enemies. Everything you may want can be purchased with your rewards. I'm going to go build a shrine in the area you designate the graveyard, I never found my mother's body after the tsunami but I hope i can honor her hear on my new home. a few patrons have already taken up camp here as they think of you as good people. Grek opened his third Aasimar's Landing potion shop with 50% discounts for your party. Sossari talks to grek and invests more into his business. Assaimars landing will be the first shop seen when people arrive on Eidon. Sossari asks Grek who he can trust and is sent over to Garvin the houseboat owner. Sossari has never met him and interrupts Miles the mudman explaining blueberry muddies. Grek also tells sossari he trusts blimbo the blacksmith so she heads over there, running into arygos and Joseph bickering over the dead body. Bedlam wanders over as well as she leaves the plans in the hand of the bone ogre bartender. They begin arguing about what to do when Grek comes in to get then to sign off a new business permit. Zom the goblin wants to use his new tools to open a smithy.   The team interrogate him and find he dodnt kill blimbo and was told by a shadowy figure that blacksmithing might just be his calling. Zom was given blimbos shop and began work on a gold ring for bedlam horn. Everyone in town is calling the leaders lordiness. A loud noise is heard from the shore at aasimars landing.   They rush over to find a crater burst out of the ground and fancy dressed kobold elites attacking the lighthouse. A burger flies by them as they begin to attack. A young wind dragon almost kills triss after both her and arygos try and speak draconian to no avail.   After this the Ocean King arrives to check on his new colony. Max commends them on killing a dragon and says that people on the mainland would pay well to dragon slayers. The dragons have been causing havoc all over. Because of that, an emergency meeting has been called in Arboran, the capital of Mooncrest and bastion of the East. Max is going to stay one night and sail out in the morning. He informs you that you can catch a ride with him but cannot leave without assigning a regent to lead the island in your absence. The group selects grek as bedlam awkwardly runs off covered in blood to go put her new loot her establishment.   Sossari and Maximus walk back to the new blacksmith shop, where sosarri saw Grek was hiding during the battle on the shore. The lordiness and the Ocean King inform Grek that he will be regent and he is very emotional about it. He thanks then and shakes sossori's hand, he is about to bow to max but reaches out his hand instead, max smirks and shakes it. On their way back, sossari and max see bedlam, the king carefully picks her up and takes her back to her new bed. Sossari rests as max goes to the tavern to meet his new constituents.
Current Location
Year of Birth
153 AHM 59 Years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: Grek