House of Kinrest

House Kinrest is a family deeply rooted in the natural beauty and mystical traditions of Kinaros. With their darker complexions and humble stature, the Kinrest members possess a profound connection to the island's abundant resources and spiritual energies. They excel in occupations such as fishing, foraging, healing, and spiritual guidance, using their skills to sustain their community and maintain the delicate balance between nature and the human realm.
  Led by their matriarch Waverly, the Kinrest family embodies resilience, wisdom, and a profound respect for the natural world. From the adventurous Sunil to the nurturing Adie, each member contributes their unique talents to the betterment of Kinaros. Whether it's exploring the dense forests, gathering medicinal herbs, conducting sacred rituals, or providing compassionate care to those in need, the Kinrests play an essential role in the wellbeing of their island home.
  Their harmonious existence with the land and sea has forged a deep understanding of Kinaros' hidden secrets and healing properties. As custodians of ancestral knowledge and guardians of the island's spiritual heritage, House Kinrest stands as a testament to the enduring bond between the people of Kinaros and the natural world, ensuring that their traditions and connection to the island thrive for generations to come.
Family Leader
Controlled Territories