Ice Dwarf - Hovikön

The Ice Dwarves are a hardy and resilient race of dwarves that live in the frozen northern regions of the world. They are known for their physical strength, endurance, and stoicism in the face of harsh living conditions.   Their skin is pale and often tinged with blue or grey, and their hair is typically dark and thick, with beards that grow long and wild. They have strong, sturdy builds and are well-suited for physical labor, especially in the mining and construction industries.   Ice Dwarves are deeply connected to the natural world and often live in harmony with the harsh environments they inhabit. They have a deep respect for the spirits of nature and often incorporate them into their beliefs and traditions.   Their society is organized into clans, with each clan having its own leader and specific duties within the community. They are skilled craftsmen and often create intricate works of art and tools from the materials they gather from their surroundings.   Arctic Dwarves are known to have a great sense of humor and enjoy storytelling and music. They have a rich cultural history, with legends and tales that have been passed down through generations, often featuring heroic dwarves and powerful nature spirits.   cold resistant but still enjoy a good fire.   Blueish skin, some more pale blue some deep blue.

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Encompassed species