
Salvation Skies crafts politician.
  Iless is an islander fire elf woman who has made a name for herself in Silvermound as the Bronze Senator of the Salvation Skies District. With a radiant aura and fiery red hair, Iless embodies the spirit of her elemental heritage. She brings with her a rich cultural background and a deep understanding of the craft and trade. Iless migrated to Silvermound seeking opportunities to expand her business and share the exquisite wares from her island home. Known for her impeccable craftsmanship and keen business sense, she has become a respected leader among the craftspeople of the district. Iless is a passionate advocate for the arts, promoting local artisans and fostering a vibrant creative community. Her presence in the political arena of Silvermound brings a touch of exotic charm and a fresh perspective to the city's governance.
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