
Jotun is a towering figure, standing at over ten feet tall. He has rough, calloused skin that is the same pale color as the clouds on a winter's day. Despite his massive size, Jotun moves with a surprising grace and fluidity.
  Jotun's face is weathered and lined, with deep-set eyes that seem to reflect the sadness and loneliness of his long life. He has a thick, bushy beard and hair that is the same pale color as his skin. His voice is a low rumble that carries the weight of his years.
  Jotun was once a feared tyrant, leading his kin in raids across the mainland. But now, he is one of the last of his kind, and he wanders the land alone. He keeps to himself, preferring solitude to the company of others. There is a sadness and a sense of longing in Jotun's eyes, and he seems to be searching for something that he can never quite find.
  Has a cave under Helhilton wear he rests, there is a vast cavern network under the city but he has found a hideaway tucked in the caves that no one really bothers.
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