Maol Aldurblud

father to Brangwen
  father is Sgaire Aldurblud
  Maol Aldurblud is a man with a lean and muscular build. He has short, curly red hair and green eyes that seem to sparkle with a mischievous glint. He is known for his quick wit, charming personality, and love for adventure. He is a skilled warrior, having been trained in the art of sword fighting by his father, Sgaire. He also possesses a deep respect for nature and is known to be a talented hunter and tracker. Maol has a tendency to act before he thinks, which often gets him into trouble, but he has a natural ability to charm his way out of most situations. He takes his duties as the next in line to lead the Aldurblud Clan seriously and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect his family and his people.
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