Mar - Sea Aelfe

The Sea Aelfe, also known as the Mar, are a race of Aelfe who dwell in the seas, oceans, and rivers of Galfin. They are graceful and swift, with webbed fingers and toes that allow them to swim effortlessly. They have long, pointed ears and are often mistaken for merfolk, but their physiology is quite different.   The Sea Aelves have a symbiotic relationship with the creatures of the sea, and many are able to communicate with marine life. They can summon schools of fish, command the tides, and call upon powerful ocean currents to aid them in battle or in travel. They are also adept at manipulating water, able to summon walls of water to defend themselves or create powerful water jets to attack their foes.   In appearance, the aelfe have a range of colours, from pale blues and greens to vibrant purples and pinks. They are often adorned with pearls, shells, and other treasures from the sea, and their clothing is made from seaweed, kelp, and other aquatic materials. The Sea Aelfe are a peaceful race, but they will fiercely defend their homes and loved ones from any threats.
Aelfe - Mar - Portrait

Height Mar
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Encompassed species