Mi'eeq the Cat

One of Henrik's most trusted and capable allies is his hired muscle, Mi'eeq the Cat. Mi'eeq is a nimble rogue who works for the highest bidder, and Henrik has employed him to serve as his personal bodyguard and enforcer. Mi'eeq is known for his agility and quick reflexes, able to move silently and blend into shadows with ease. He is a master of stealth and subterfuge, often providing valuable information and insight to Henrik with his keen sense of observation and street smarts.   Works for Baron Henrik Rennet as a spy, Croons for coins, secrets and names of Barons detractors.   Mi'eeq has worked for the Baron for the past 5 years, rooting out people trying to kill or over throw or harm the realm.   The Reward mi'eeq wants is as rewards go, simple, coin... plain and simple
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