
Gizomo's cousin   blind gnome bookshop owner on the southern settlement   Killed by Dex and got sent to the Pit because of it.   Moira did one last check upstairs where a skylight was pried open with a dagger. Ralf hinted Gorbashav was boasting about the heinous murders he discovered. The orc was excited about how the people were killed. Moira entertained his lizard man theory so Triss could take his boot to compare to shoe print at Blimbo's. On her way over the intimidating Gorbashav intercepted her as he was hanging around the crime scene. Triss went into the bookshop instead where she found a dead Morse.   Triss looked around without disturbing the body and then left frightened, Gorboshav was waiting outside with a group of wardens. They arrested her as the Shipwreck Strangler.   Tayne sent Gorbashav over to the Morse crime scene to investigate and lock down the scene. Moira used her Helm of Teleportation to get to crime scene of Morse first and find clues. Moira has Morse's notes on a serial killer pamphlet from the Gazette.   Gorboshav entered and Moira switched on her invisibility after finding clues about the killer. A dagger pierced his back and it wasn't from a tall person. She was able to dance past the 3 guards while invisible.
Current Location
Year of Death
211 AHM
Circumstances of Death
Murdered in his own bookstore by Joseph Dexter Dundy
Ruled Locations