Orville Ashenheart

Head Orator of the Church of Sevhan
  Located in Raven's Crest. Taught Lydia the Path.
  Head Orator of the Atonement's Tear, the Church of Savhan. Orville Ashenheart is a devoted and zealous figure within the Church of Savhan, serving as the Head Orator of the Atonement's Tear in Raven's Crest. With a commanding presence and a deep, resonant voice, Orville captivates the congregation with his impassioned sermons and unwavering faith. He is known for his fiery speeches, urging followers to seek redemption and atonement for their sins through devotion to Lady Savhan. Orville's stern countenance, adorned with deep-set eyes and a neatly trimmed beard, reflects the solemnity of his role as a spiritual leader. He played a pivotal role in guiding Lydia Shandur on the Path, imparting teachings and wisdom that shaped her understanding of the goddess. As Head Orator, Orville is not only a revered figure in the Church but also a respected authority on matters of faith and spiritual growth in Raven's Crest.
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