
Phoeras are a type of small, vulture-sized bird that is native to the Firefang Jags. They are known for their fiery appearance, with bright red and orange feathers that shimmer and shimmer in the light. They are scavengers by nature, feeding on the remains of animals that have been killed by the volcanoes. In addition to feeding on the remains of larger animals, Phoeras are also known to hunt and eat smaller prey, such as lava lizards and flame centipedes.
  Lava lizards are small, agile reptiles that are able to scurry over the rocky, volcanic terrain with ease. They are well-adapted to the heat of the volcanoes, with thick, scaly skin that is resistant to burns. They are a common prey item for Phoeras, as they are easy to catch and provide a good source of nutrition.
  Flame centipedes are another type of small, heat-resistant creature that is found in the Firefang Jags. They are known for their bright red and orange coloring, which gives them a fiery appearance. They are often found resting on the heated rocks by the lava pools, taking advantage of the warmth to warm their bodies. They are a favorite food of Phoeras, who are able to catch them with their sharp beaks and powerful talons.