
Halfling caretaker of Snark's lighthouse Was from Skygarde Freed himself and Snark from the Myst slaving pits, the Fightmaster had them captive Now looks after the planar lighthous     Promy'th: Halfling, copper skin, blonde curly hair, blue eyes, Works under Snark whom he met while enslaved. Helped free Snark, his gladiator partner, from the slave pits of Myst.   -99 - 0   Promy'th, a courageous Halfling, serves as the caretaker of Snark's lighthouse on the Isle of Aithe. Hailing from the bustling city of Skygarde, Promy'th's life took an unexpected turn when he found himself imprisoned in the Myst slaving pits under the control of the enigmatic Fightmaster.   With his distinctive appearance, Promy'th stands out among his peers. His copper-toned skin radiates a warm glow, complementing his curly blonde hair that tumbles in playful waves. His piercing blue eyes reflect both determination and resilience, a testament to the trials he has endured.   It was within the depths of the Myst slaving pits that Promy'th's path crossed with that of Snark, a fellow captive and gladiator partner. The bond forged in their shared struggle would prove to be the catalyst for their escape. Through their combined strength and cunning, they managed to free themselves from the clutches of their captors, defying the odds and overcoming tremendous adversity.   Now entrusted with the care of Snark's lighthouse, Promy'th takes great pride in his role as the guardian of this planar beacon. With unwavering dedication, he ensures the light shines brightly, guiding wayfarers and sailors through treacherous waters and mystical realms. His intimate knowledge of the lighthouse's inner workings and his close relationship with Snark allow them to maintain a harmonious partnership in their shared endeavor.   Promy'th's journey from the depths of enslavement to the tranquil shores of the Isle of Aithe has shaped him into a resilient and compassionate individual. His experiences have instilled in him a deep appreciation for freedom and a strong sense of justice. As he tends to the lighthouse, he not only illuminates the path for others but also serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration, embodying the indomitable spirit that arises from triumph over adversity.
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