
Eye of providence.   Eye of Eleonor   The Eye of Providence is an ancient artifact of immense significance within the Belcoursian royals, specifically linked to the ruling Baudelaire family. Crafted and imbued with mystical power by the Visus Sori, the Sight Sisters, this artifact serves a unique purpose: to house the spirit of the first Baudelaire matriarch, Eleonor Baudelaire.   Implanted into a non-heir relative of the Baudelaire family, the Eye of Providence slowly begins to exert its influence over time. Its magical essence intertwines with the recipient's spirit and body, gradually allowing the personality and essence of Eleonor Baudelaire to emerge and merge with the host. This process is designed to guide and counsel the ruling family through the wisdom and vision of their esteemed founder.   However, this ancient artifact's influence is not without consequence. As Eleonor's presence grows stronger within the host, the original personality and identity of the descendant gradually diminish, eventually leading to a state where the descendant is more conduit than individual.


Created by the Visus Sori to keep the spirit of Eleanor Beaudelaire alive to guide her famiy.
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