Red Rift

Ship owned by Hadrien Dhast that is allied with the boggan's and the Zepest's
  The Red Rift is a formidable schooner ship with deep crimson sails that dance like flames against the horizon. Owned by Hadrien Dhast, one of the esteemed Trench Lords, this ship is as much a statement of power as it is a vessel. With sleek lines and a dark, polished hull, it's a sight to behold and an even more imposing force on the waters.
  Under the banner of the House of Boggan and in alliance with the renowned Zephyrn Fleet, the Red Rift has seen its share of battles and triumphs. It is equipped with state-of-the-art navigational tools and reinforced with armor at critical points, making it a fast yet sturdy vessel. The crew, handpicked by Lord Dhast himself, operate with precision and unyielding loyalty.
  Often, the sight of the Red Rift's distinct sails is enough to make adversaries reconsider their intentions, well aware of the might and alliances that back this majestic schooner.