
A slaver who worked in the caverns under the family home southeast of black barrow.   Worked for whoever feeds The Beast   -99 - 0     Ren'eel is a dark elf shrouded in shadow and mystery. He works in the depths of the underground caverns beneath the manor southeast of Black Barrow, Ren'eel's life has been entwined with the treacherous world of slavery and subterfuge. As a slaver, he was known for his cunning and ruthlessness, navigating the treacherous underworld with ease.   Ren'eel's dark elven heritage is reflected in his striking appearance. His obsidian skin seems to absorb the very essence of light, contrasting with his glowing amber eyes that shimmer with an unsettling intensity. His sleek, ebony hair cascades down his back, further adding to his enigmatic allure.
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