
you can feel an uneasy sensation in your bones. Your fingers twitch and contort, elongating into sharp claws. Your senses become heightened as you catch the scent of blood in the air. Suddenly, your body convulses in pain as your spine shifts and contorts. Fur sprouts from your skin as your snout lengthens and sharp teeth sprout in your mouth. You have become a wererat, your human mind now sharing space with the savage instincts of a rodent. You feel an overwhelming desire to scurry through the darkness, hunting for prey and feasting on fresh meat.
  The world around you seems different now - shadows are longer, scents are stronger, and every sound echoes in your ears. You can see the faintest details of objects and surfaces, making it easier to sneak around unnoticed. But with these new powers come new risks - the fear and mistrust of those who fear and revile ratfolk, and the struggle to keep your own primal urges in check. Will you be able to hold onto your humanity, or will the beast inside you take control?