Rootfather Acontim “Bane” Wolfsbane

Rootfather Acontim Wolfsbane (a.k.a. Bane)

Father of Yarrow.   Bane grew up as a great hunter, when his father passed away he was requested by the elders to take charge of the wood elves. Bane was only a young man at this time. Through his life he has aged greatly, in body and soul. Years ago, Bane's son Yarrow died, no father wants to bury his own son. After Yarrow passed, Bane became a reclusive leader, not welcoming outsiders into the Forest of Incantation, even the wood elves relationship with the powerful treants withered away. Bane is still a respected leader, though his ways of protecting his people has changed with his age.   45 Saved Birchbreaker and Snakeroot during the Great Blaze.
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Year of Birth
162 AHM 50 Years old
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