
An irritating pirate who was holding up in the pirate cove known as the Gallow’s Sway. The settlement is protected grounds from killing. Carnyx Steele demands respect as the most wanted pirate in the seas of Pacura. If anyone fights with the intent to kill, they are hung from nooses on the checkpoint gates or kept in cages for the elements and carrion to pick apart. Rumhands had stabbed someone on his fourth day hiding in the sway. Little did he know that after he passed, with an eyeball missing from a curious seagull, his body would be used in a risky revival ritual by Anvil of the Shatterbrand. His body and soul swapped places with Anvil when the spell was cast near the strange monolith atop the cliffs out of the city. When Anvil tried to revive Rumhands, she took her own life and inadvertently swapped bodies with Rumhands. When her friends brought her back to life, it was Rumhands who returned in the new body.   Hanged from the Sway’s gates for stabbing someone.