Selene Kedwyn

Astrological Deathscrier

Astrologist from the Sterling. Lived in Glas'Tallag
  Used Nimbreach to contact the fallen ancestors of Calua, found a way to Deathscrie to speak with the passed on. This method was refined through generations using the ancestral ink she brought back with her from Glas'Tallag. Dhara eventually made a magical cauldron to infinitely reproduce the substance needs for Deathscrieing.
  Astrologist from the Sterling College who trained in Deathscrying. At one point she lived in Glas'Tallag, the fae realm. She used the Black Ocean (what people on Galfin see as the cosmic space) to contact the fallen ancestors, she found a way to Deathscrie to speak with the passed on, she was the first of the Moonfolk of Calua. This method was refined through generations using the ancestral ink she brought back with her from Glas'Tallag. Dhara eventually made a magical cauldron to infinitely reproduce the substance needs for Deathscrying. Selene represents Creseident, god of the moon and lineage.
  She has also worked alongside the Seekers in her long lived life.
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