Seventh House of Ba'an

The Seventh House of Ba’an is ruled by Lothlirien, a powerful sorceress who possesses great magical knowledge and abilities. She is known to be cunning and manipulative, but also wise and pragmatic, using her knowledge to protect her house and further its interests.   The Seventh House is associated with the element of magic and represents the arcane knowledge and power that can be wielded by those who master it. Members of the Seventh House are often scholars and mages, dedicated to the study and practice of magic.   Their sigil is a glowing purple crystal ball on a black background, representing their mastery of magic and their ability to shape the forces of the universe to their will. Their colors are black and purple, representing the darkness and mystery of magic and the power that lies within it.   The death rites of the Seventh House involve the preservation of the body using magic, which is seen as a way of ensuring that the person's knowledge and power are not lost to the world. The body is often placed in a stasis field or other magical container to prevent decay, and sometimes even imbued with spells to preserve the consciousness of the deceased in some form. The Seventh House believes that death is simply a transition to a new state of being, and that the preservation of knowledge and power is essential to ensure the continued growth and prosperity of their house.   The followers of this house are steeped in the necromantic arts. Lirien is allied with Vlox and the Harrowed affliction is their combined creation.
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Notable Members