Soaring Griffin

Griff, swamp elf mystic
  Known simply as "Griff" to those close to him, this enigmatic Swamp Aelfe mystic from the mist-laden depths of Enonera is a figure shrouded in the ancient wisdom of the boglands. His scaled skin, dark green like the moss-covered stones of his homeland, gives him an almost reptilian appearance, while his yellow matted hair drapes like hanging vines, further blending him with the murky swamps he calls home. Griff is a quiet, contemplative presence, his thoughts often drifting like the fog that clings to the wetlands. His eyes, keen and reflective, hold the secrets of the bayous, understanding the ancient rhythms and mysteries that few others can even begin to comprehend.
  As the Mirecount and Mirecountess made their journey to the sacred event of the Conveyance of the Green, Griff joined their procession, serving as a spiritual guide and protector, though his role was more subtle than one of overt power. He was a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, his connection to the swamp allowing him to sense disturbances in the natural order, a skill invaluable during such a momentous occasion.
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