The Shacklers are a formidable gang in Skygarde, known for their brutal enforcement of the law in the city's poorer districts. Led by the elf woman Quintessa, a former High Guard Soldier who was demoted to the Street Enforcers, they have since transformed into a well-organized gang with backing from the crown. The Shacklers use their connections to the city's justice system to their advantage, often extorting money from businesses and individuals who want to avoid legal trouble. They are heavily armed and well-trained, and their loyalty to Quintessa is absolute. Few dare to cross the Shacklers, as they know the consequences will be severe.
high guard
cross bow
one of a few wood elf allowed into the High Guard
puts duty to kingdom above all else, thats why she is trusted unlike other elves. Secretly funds the gangs of Skygarde under the funding of Addikus Windslayer. Knows of Silver Tung's operations within the city that complicates her own.
Full name is Quintessa
works out of barracks
fundeed by addikus
guards foreign agents prisoners
grey and red
high guard
cross bow
one of a few wood elf allowed into the High Guard
puts duty to kingdom above all else, thats why she is trusted unlike other elves. Secretly funds the gangs of Skygarde under the funding of Addikus Windslayer. Knows of Silver Tung's operations within the city that complicates her own.
Full name is Quintessa
works out of barracks
fundeed by addikus
guards foreign agents prisoners
grey and red
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Aligned Organization