The Salty Siren

Ship of Valtor Blackwood
  Cursed by the Windy Wailer
  The Salty Siren is a sleek, black vessel that glides effortlessly through the waves. It has impressive speed but the ship is plagued by misfortune and bad luck. The sails are tattered and patched, and the rigging is frayed and knotted. The ship's figurehead is a beautiful siren with a sorrowful expression, as if lamenting the ship's fate. Captain Valtor Blackwood is a superstitious man who is convinced that his ship's misfortune is due to a curse placed upon him by a rival captain. The crew is loyal and determined to prove their worth in the face of adversity. The Salty Siren has a small armory of cannons, but Valtor prefers to rely on his crew's skill with cutlasses and boarding axes in close combat.